What's below your iceberg?

We show each other only what we desire to share. And more often than not, what we share is not what is really going on in one's minds. You see, we are a fusion of our upbringing, experiences, culture, religion, fears, aspirations, and our environments. And how we act or behave on any given day is more a result of these characteristics.
..…..Listen below to hear more about What's below your iceberg.

The reason that you may not be successful in a certain area of your life may be due to something that you were told or carried from your childhood. And you may think that thing is normal, only because it is all you have ever known. But how do you know if you are holding on to something if you are not challenged, questioned, or asked about it? How can you look to improve or look to get to the next level in your life if you are not aware? And what might slow and marked improvement on a day-by-day basis look like? It will require a shift.

The answer is a partnership - with a genuine friend, counselor, or even a coach. Realize that people often show what they desire for you to see and that often they don’t recognize their own shortcomings. So do we. That being stated, now more than ever, look to address what you have buried in your subconscious. Look to identify it, analyze it, and then allow it to either flourish or be eliminated. You deserve to live your best life. And your best life is not always just what you see. It’s a bit deeper than that.

If you feel like you need some motivation and accountability, it may be time to have that conversation.

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