Afraid to Fail

After all these messages. After all these articles. After all these books. And after all these YouTube videos about mindset and failure. Many of us still do not step into our greatness due to the fear of failure. We are still often afraid, hesitant, nervous, or apprehensive that something will go wrong or something devastating will happen. We are instead playing it safe and protective of our reputation, our jobs, and even what others may think. It is about time to shift this narrative.
..…..Listen below to hear more about Afraid to Fail.

Lastly, I choose not to let the fear of failure define me. So, here is my commitment to all who read this short article today. I commit to not playing it safe. I commit to pushing the envelope. I commit to taking my life, business, and career to the next level, even if it is embarrassing. Are you with me?

If you feel like you need some motivation and accountability, it may be time to have that conversation.

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Record Breaking


What's below your iceberg?